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Lantra GDPR Statement Privacy policy All users


Lantra General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Privacy and Use Statement

Full policy

As part of our relationship with you as a learner, Lantra holds various types of data about you. This data includes, but may not be limited to, your first and last name, email address, date of birth, postcode, IP address and courses completed. Lantra holds this data for legitimate business interest and to be able to provide you with the service of accessing e-learning and retrieval of your electronic certificates where applicable.  To support this function Lantra will share your data with third parties including our e-learning partners to enable them to support you through your learning experience and provide any customer satisfaction surveys applicable to your course of learning.

If you do advise us to delete your data then you will no longer be able to access your courses and certificates. You are responsible for advising Lantra of any changes needed to maintain the currency of your data for example email address or name change.  You can edit your own details from the 'profile' section of your account.

Lantra will hold your data for 24 months on this live site 

Your data will be stored electronically, we will not use your data for marketing purposes and we do not undertake any profiling of your data 

Your data may be used by our Approved Lantra Providers, Re-sellers or EQA's for the purposes of validation or scoring.  

Lantra’s Data Controller is: Sandie Absalom who can be contacted on 02476 696996.

You have various right as a data subject under the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 which are set out fully on  but your key rights are:

·        Should Lantra fail in our duty to protect your data, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

·        You have the right to request access to your personal data and Lantra must comply within one month

·        You have the right to request erasure of your data, however in doing so this will delete any of your learning and certificates. You request this by emailing who will delete your data within 30 working days

·        You have the right to have personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete. If we have disclosed your personal data to third parties, Lantra must inform them and you of the rectification within one month